2024-2025 School Year Tuition
Waitlist Fee: $100. If you enroll, your Waitlist Fee is credited towards the first month's tuition.
Full Time Tuition:​
Under 2: $2,645 monthly
2 and 3 year olds: $2,495 monthly
4 and 5 year olds: $2,120 monthly
Capital Kids DC provides a 5% discount on the oldest child's tuition when a family has multiple children enrolled full time. We also provide a 5% discount if you pay annually, in advance.
4-Day Tuition:
Under 2: $2,385monthly
2 and 3 year olds: $2,260 monthly
4 and 5 year olds: $1,920 monthly
3-Day Tuition:
Under 2: $2,120 monthly
2 and 3 year olds: $2,015 monthly
4 and 5 year olds: $1,715 monthly
Full Time care is from 7:30am - 6:00pm. Part Time care is 1) four days a week or 2) three days a week.
Secure building - no exterior access to center, key code access to rear of building, key code access to suite, and full time security guard in lobby.
Diapers, Wipes, and burp cloths.
Parking for drop-off and pick-up.
All meals and snacks. Check out our snack menu here which includes many organic foods.
Our array of parent programming throughout the year. Potential topics include Managing Transitions, Working through Emotions, Finding the Best Kindergarten Fit, and more.
Special parent/student in-school events throughout the year such as our Summer Bash, Thanksgiving Feast, Trick-or-Treating, and more. Check out some pictures of our events here!
Student events such as our annual Winter Show, graduation, and special guests and field trips during Summer Camp.