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2024-2025 School Year Tuition

Waitlist Fee:  $100.  If you enroll, your Waitlist Fee is credited towards the first month's tuition. 


Full Time Tuition:​

  • Under 2: $2,645 monthly

  • 2 and 3 year olds: $2,495 monthly

  • 4 and 5 year olds: $2,120 monthly


Capital Kids DC provides a 5% discount on the oldest child's tuition when a family has multiple children enrolled full time.  We also provide a 5% discount if you pay annually, in advance.


4-Day Tuition:

  • Under 2: $2,385monthly

  • 2 and 3 year olds: $2,260 monthly

  • 4 and 5 year olds: $1,920 monthly


3-Day Tuition:

  • Under 2: $2,120 monthly

  • 2 and 3 year olds: $2,015 monthly

  • 4 and 5 year olds: $1,715 monthly


Full Time care is from 7:30am - 6:00pm.  Part Time care is 1) four days a week or 2) three days a week.




  • Secure building - no exterior access to center, key code access to rear of building, key code access to suite, and full time security guard in lobby.

  • Diapers, Wipes, and burp cloths.  

  • Parking for drop-off and pick-up.

  • All meals and snacks.  Check out our snack menu here which includes many organic foods.

  • Our array of parent programming throughout the year.  Potential topics include Managing Transitions, Working through Emotions, Finding the Best Kindergarten Fit, and more.

  • Special parent/student in-school events throughout the year such as our Summer Bash, Thanksgiving Feast, Trick-or-Treating, and more.  Check out some pictures of our events here!

  • Student events such as our annual Winter Show, graduation, and special guests and field trips during Summer Camp.




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